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Clojure is JVM based dynamic, general-purpose programming language, combining the approachability and interactive development of a scripting language with an efficient and robust infrastructure for multithreaded programming.

This guide provides a walkthrough of .razorops.yaml for a typical Clojure-based application based.

Example project

See the Example Project on GitHub for a demonstration and use the full configuration file as a template for your own projects.

The pipeline performs the following tasks:

  • Downloads the dependencies using lein and cache them
  • Builds the artifact (uberjar)
  • Executes the unit tests

Choosing Clojure version

You can choose the Java compiler version based on the build environment. Common build tools like leiningen, maven, sbt, ant and gradle are pre-installed in the environment. The version of Clojure will be inferred from the contents of project.clj file via Leiningen.

For Docker environment, Razorops provides convenience container images for various programming languages. You can use an appropriate image tag to control Java compiler version.

  runner: razorci/openjdk:11-buster
    runner: razorci/openjdk:11-buster

You can additionally provide environment variables and provide service dependencies to run your test suite.

For Linux-VM environment, we infer the Clojure version from project.clj at the root of the your repository.

Downloading dependencies

Downloading third-party packages/dependencies from the internet can be time-consuming, you can greatly speed up this process by caching it using an unique key. In future workflow runs, the cache will be restored so that dependencies don't need to be downloaded from remote (Sbt, Gradle etc) repositories. For more information, see Caching dependencies.

    - cache/pull: lein-{{ checksum "project.clj" }}

    - cache/push:
        key: lein-{{ checksum "project.clj" }}
        - ~/.m2
        - ~/.lein

Executing tests

You can use the same commands that you use locally to test your code and generate JUnit reports to tell how much of your application is tested.

    - name: Run unit test
      run: lein test 

Managing artifacts

You can compile and build the jars just like you do locally and optionally upload to our artifact storage to use them after the workflow completes. For more information, see "Persisting workflow data using artifacts.".

    - commands:
      - lein uberjar

    - artifacts/push:
        name: demo-x.x.x.jar
        paths: [target/uberjar/clojure-guestbook-demo.jar] # replace x with right jar name