Environment Variables

Razorops runtime properties are accessible to customize your workflow by using environment variables. This allows you to change behaviour during pipeline execution. Additionally, you can add your own build environment variables via the following channels also:

  • In the Razorops YAML file. Variables values are set in YAML file will override values in the UI.

  • In you dashboard under Pipelines > Edit > Environment variables

In addition to the variables you choose to define, Razorops has a number of pre-defined variables built in. Note that the variables listed are automatically set for your builds, and their values are not changeable.

This is the reference list of all environment variables available to your build environment. These are injected into your build containers, at runtime.

NAME Description
CI=true CI mode is turned on
CI_PIPELINE Repository unique ID (slug)
CI_REPO GIT repository full name
CI_REPO_OWNER Repository owner
CI_REPO_NAME Repository name
CI_REPO_BRANCH Repository branch
CI_COMMIT_SHA Repository commit SHA
CI_COMMIT_REF Repository commit ref
CI_WORKFLOW_NUMBER workflow number
CI_WORKFLOW_LINK workflow direct http(s) link
CI_JOB_ID task/job identifier
CI_JOB_NAME task/job name
CI_TAG Repository commit tag
CI_PULL_REQUEST Repository pull request number